Have you been diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease and not sure what to do?

Exercise is not only SAFE for people with Parkinson’s Disease it is ESSENTIAL to improve your quality of life.

P.D Warrior is a fun and social way of becoming active again and it motivates you to keep active and is essential in managing the effects of P.D.

  • P.D Warrior is a circuit class or one on one program which you can also do at home.

  • It has been developed for people suffering from the effects of Parkinson’s Disease – slowness of movement, loss of co-ordination of movement , reduced movement  and balance related issues.

  • This unique therapy approach, helps people with Parkinson’s Disease fight the disease and offers HOPE that there is life after diagnosis and the opportunity to get BACK INTO LIFE.

  • P.D Warrior is based on scientific research  that activity and exercise can slow the development of symptoms. ( references available on request)

  • It will help you build confidence and move more freely and RE-TRAINS your brain for greater FUNCTION.

PD Warrior at East Gosford Physio

If you have Parkinson’s Disease


Join P.D Warrior today and see the difference it can make.